+++ title = "Welcome to Terminimal Theme for Zola" date = 2019-02-04 [taxonomies] tags = ["zola", "theme", "showcase"] +++ Welcome to Terminimal! This is a theme showcase post. Code block (using "boron" theme): ```python #!/usr/bin/python3 class HelloPrinter: def __init__(self, thing): self.thing = thing def __call__(self): print(f"Hello, {self.thing}!") printer = HelloPrinter("World") printer() # prints: Hello, World! ``` Inline code: `print("Hello world!")`. Basic typography: *Italic text*. **Bold text**. _**Italic bold**_. Link: [click me](#) # Header 1 ## Header 2 ### Header 3 #### Header 4 Quote: > "Theory is when you know everything but nothing works. Practice is when everything works but no one knows why. In our lab, theory and practice are combined: nothing works and no one knows why." Lists: - A - B - CDEF - Nested Item - And more nesting - GHIJ 1. One 2. Two 3. Three Horizontal line: --- This is where the post summary ends. The second part follows here. ## Shortcodes `figure` shortcode: ``` figure(src="http://rustacean.net/assets/rustacean-flat-gesture.png", style="width: 25%;", position="center", caption_position="left", caption="**Ferris**, the (unofficial) Rust mascot", caption_style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;") ``` {{ figure(src="http://rustacean.net/assets/rustacean-flat-gesture.png", style="width: 25%;", position="center", caption_position="left", caption="**Ferris**, the (unofficial) Rust mascot", caption_style="font-style: italic;") }} --- `image` shortcode: ``` image(src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/35/Tux.svg", position="left") ``` {{ image(src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/35/Tux.svg", position="left") }}