# Termitette A heavily modified version of Terminimal. Terminimal readme follows: # Terminimal [![Build Status](https://github.com/pawroman/zola-theme-terminimal/actions/workflows/pages/pages-build-deployment/badge.svg)](https://github.com/pawroman/zola-theme-terminimal/actions/workflows/pages/pages-build-deployment) ![No JavaScript](https://img.shields.io/badge/JavaScript-none-brightgreen.svg) ![Screenshot](../master/screenshot.png?raw=true) See the live demo (of the default configuration) here: https://pawroman.github.io/zola-theme-terminimal/ Tested with Zola v0.17.2. Please note that earlier versions might not work because of breaking changes across Zola versions. #### Fork disclaimer This theme is a fork (not a port) of "Terminal" Hugo theme by Radosław Kozieł (aka. panr): https://github.com/panr/hugo-theme-terminal Many thanks for that outstanding original theme, Radek! For more information about this fork and the differences to the original theme, please see: [Changes compared to the original theme](#changes-compared-to-the-original-theme) below. ## Versioning This theme used to be non-versioned, e.g. you'd pull the master branch, and occasionally new features or fixes would be released. Starting from version v1.0.0, the project adopted [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/). Please check the [GitHub releases](https://github.com/pawroman/zola-theme-terminimal/releases) to see a change log and work out if there's any breaking changes. ## How to start Option A: clone the theme directly into your Zola site folder: ``` $ git clone https://github.com/pawroman/zola-theme-terminimal.git themes/terminimal ``` Option B: include it as a git submodule (it's better if you plan to use CI builders): ``` $ git submodule add https://github.com/pawroman/zola-theme-terminimal.git themes/terminimal ``` Then in your `config.toml` set: ```toml theme = "terminimal" # Sass compilation is required compile_sass = true ``` Also see the Zola documentation on using themes: https://www.getzola.org/documentation/themes/installing-and-using-themes/ ## Shortcodes The theme adds two custom shortcodes related to image handling. ### `image` Used to show images. Required arguments: - **`src`** Optional arguments: - **`alt`** - **`position`** (center \[default\] | left | right) - **`style`** Example: ``` {{ image(src="/img/hello.png", alt="Hello Friend", position="left", style="border-radius: 8px;") }} ``` ### `figure` Same as `image`, but with a few extra optional arguments: - **`caption`** (supports markdown) - **`caption_position`** (center \[default\] | left | right) - **`caption_style`** Example: ``` {{ figure(src="http://rustacean.net/assets/rustacean-flat-gesture.png", style="width: 25%;", position="right", caption_position="left", caption="**Ferris**, the (unofficial) Rust mascot", caption_style="font-style: italic;") }} ``` ## OpenGraph To add an image to a post, set the `og_image` extra option to the desired image in the same directory of the markdown file: ```toml [extra] og_image = "colocated_image.png" ``` Additionally, for the section pages and for posts to have a fallback image, add `default_og_image` to the `[extra]` section: ```toml [extra] default_og_image = "static/ocean.jpg" ``` ## Configuration ### Only show the post's description On each post you can specify the following: ```toml description = "test description" [extra] show_only_description = true ``` This will render `test description` under this particular post on the homepage instead of a summary. ### Colors Both the accent colors and background colors are configurable. By default, both accent and background are set to `blue`. To configure menu, add this in `[extra]` section of your `config.toml`: ```toml [extra] # One of: blue, green, orange, pink, red. # Defaults to blue. # Append -light for light themes, e.g. blue-light # Or append -auto, e.g. blue-auto accent_color = "green" # One of: blue, dark, green, orange, pink, red, light, auto # Enabling dark background will also modify primary font color to be darker. # Defaults to accent color (or, if not accent color specified, to blue). background_color = "dark" ``` ### Logo text and link You can set the "logo" text and what it links to, by modifying `config.toml` like so: ```toml [extra] # The logo text - defaults to "Terminimal theme" logo_text = "My blog" # The logo link - defaults to base_url. logo_home_link = "/take/me/away!" ``` ### Author and copyright You can set the footer's copyright author name like this: ```toml [extra] # Author name: when specified, modifies the default # copyright text. Apart from author, it will # contain current year and a link to the theme. author = "My Name" ``` If you don't like the default copyright text, you can set it to completely custom HTML: ```toml [extra] # Copyright text in HTML format. If specified, # entirely replaces default copyright and author. copyright_html = "My custom copyright" ``` ### Menu The menu is optional, static (all items are always shown, no matter what the screen size) and fully user-configurable. To configure menu, add this in `[extra]` section of your `config.toml`: ```toml [extra] # menu is enabled by adding menu_items (optional) menu_items = [ # each of these is optional, name and url are required # $BASE_URL is going to be substituted by base_url from configuration {name = "blog", url = "$BASE_URL"}, # tags should only be enabled if you have "tags" taxonomy # see documentation below for more details {name = "tags", url = "$BASE_URL/tags"}, {name = "archive", url = "$BASE_URL/archive"}, {name = "about me", url = "$BASE_URL/about"}, # set newtab to true to make the link open in new tab {name = "github", url = "url-to-your-github", newtab = true}, ] ``` ### Tags The theme optionally supports tags. To enable them, create a "tags" taxonomy in your `config.toml`: ```toml taxonomies = [ {name = "tags"}, ] ``` Enabling tags will create a new `/tags` page, and cause them to show up in `archive` section. Note that you still need to create a menu link to the tags page manually. ### Pagination Pagination is fully supported for post list (main site) and intra-post (you can navigate to earlier and later posts). To make sure pagination works properly, you must first configure it in `content/_index.md`: ``` +++ # number of pages to paginate by paginate_by = 2 # sorting order for pagination sort_by = "date" +++ ``` Then, tweak the theme's pagination config in `config.toml`: ```toml [extra] # Whether to show links to earlier and later posts # on each post page (defaults to true). enable_post_view_navigation = true # The text shown at the bottom of a post, # before earlier/later post links. # Defaults to "Thanks for reading! Read other posts?" post_view_navigation_prompt = "Read more" ``` ### Language code Internationalization / translation is not supported but you can set the HTML language code for your site: ```toml default_language = "en" ``` ### Hack font subset By default, the theme uses a mixed subset of the Hack font. Normal weight font uses full character set (for Unicode icons and special symbols), but all others (bold, italic etc) use a limited subset. This results in much smaller transfer sizes, but the subset might not contain all the Unicode characters you need. You can enable full unicode support in `config.toml`: ```toml [extra] # Use full Hack character set, not just a subset. # Switch this to true if you need full unicode support. # Defaults to false. use_full_hack_font = true ``` Also see [Hack's docs](https://github.com/source-foundry/Hack/blob/master/docs/WEBFONT_USAGE.md). ### Favicon The theme supports adding a global favicon (applies to all pages) to the site: ```toml # Optional: Global favicon URL and mimetype. # Mimetype defaults to "image/x-icon". # The URL should point at a file located # in your site's "static" directory. favicon = "/favicon.png" favicon_mimetype = "image/png" ``` ### Page titles The theme allows you to configure how the page titles (the `` elements) are rendered. Use `"combined"` to render titles as `"Page title | Main title"`. ```toml # Optional: Set how <title> elements are rendered. # Values: # - "main_only" -- only the main title (`config.title`) is rendered. # - "page_only" -- only the page title (if defined) is rendered, # falling back to `config.title` if not defined or empty. # - "combined" -- combine like so: "page_title | main_title", # or if page_title is not defined or empty, fall back to `main_title` # # Note that the main (index) page only has the main title. page_titles = "combined" ``` All the configuration options are also described in [`config.toml`](../master/config.toml). ## Extending Each of the templates defines named blocks, so it should be quite easy to customize the most common things. For example, if you want to add extra `<meta>` tags to the base template, `index.html`, create file like this in `templates/index.html`: ```html {% extends "terminimal/templates/index.html" %} {% block extra_head %} <meta name="description" content="My awesome website"/> <meta name="keywords" content="Hacking,Programming,Ranting"/> {% endblock %} ``` ## How to contribute If you spot any bugs or wish to contribute new features, please create a new [Pull Request](https://github.com/pawroman/zola-theme-terminimal/pulls). ## Changes compared to the original theme This theme has been forked from https://github.com/panr/hugo-theme-terminal - Slight changes in the layout and styling. - Content has been centered (instead of left-aligned). - The header stripes have been spaced out. - Tweaks to pagination, especially on mobile (small screens). - The post title underline is dashed instead of doubly-dotted. - All links are underlined, as per [Brutalist Web Design Guidelines](https://www.brutalist-web.design/). - Tweaks to header font sizes. - Minor footer tweaks. - Absolutely **no JavaScript**. - No JavaScript needed to pre-process anything. Zola with its Sass pre-processor is the only dependency. - There's no menu trigger. - Things load crazy fast, as it's all static content. - Prism.js syntax highlighting is not supported (you can use [Zola's](https://www.getzola.org/documentation/content/syntax-highlighting/)). - All references to social media (e.g. Twitter) have been removed. - All references to external URLs (e.g. Google CDN) have been removed. This theme's static assets are meant to be served from where it's hosted. - [Hack](https://github.com/source-foundry/Hack) is the default font. - The default color theme is blue (original uses orange). ### New features - You can pick the accent color as well as background color. There's a new `dark` background. See [Configuration](#configuration) below for details. - Active "section" links will change color indicating the active section. This is all static, done at template level. ### Features retained from the original - 5 color themes, depending on your preference: blue (default), green, orange, pink, red. - The shortcodes `image` and `figure` (See [Shortcodes](#shortcodes)). - Fully responsive. ## License Copyright © 2019 Paweł Romanowski (pawroman) Original theme: Copyright © 2019 Radosław Kozieł ([@panr](https://twitter.com/panr)) The theme is released under the MIT License. Check the [license file](../master/LICENSE.md) for more information. The license for Hack fonts used is included in [LICENSE-Hack.md](../master/LICENSE-Hack.md).