name = "terminimal" description = "A simple, minimal retro theme" license = "MIT" homepage = "" min_version = "0.11.0" # An optional live demo URL demo = "" [author] name = "Paweł Romanowski" homepage = "" # The original theme this one's been forked off. [original] author = "Radosław Kozieł" homepage = "" repo = "" [extra] # One of: blue, green, orange, pink, red. # Defaults to blue. # Append -light for light themes, e.g. blue-light # Or append -auto, e.g. blue-auto accent_color = "blue" # One of: blue, dark, green, orange, pink, red, light, auto # Enabling dark background will also modify primary font color to be darker. # Defaults to accent color (or, if not accent color specified, to blue). background_color = "blue" # The logo text - defaults to 2 non-breaking spaces. logo_text = "Terminimal theme" # Whether to show links to earlier and later posts # on each post page. enable_post_view_navigation = true # The text shown at the bottom of a post, # before earlier/later post links. post_view_navigation_prompt = "Thanks for reading! Read other posts?" # Use full Hack character set, not just a subset. # Switch this to true if you need full unicode support. # Defaults to false. use_full_hack_font = false