{% import "macros/title.html" as title_macros -%} {% macro head(config) %} {%- if config.extra.accent_color %} {% else %} {% endif -%} {%- if config.extra.background_color %} {%- if config.extra.accent_color and config.extra.background_color != config.extra.accent_color %} {% endif -%} {% endif -%} {%- if config.extra.use_full_hack_font %} {% else %} {% endif -%} {% endmacro head %} {# Extra Meta tags for OpenGraph and Twitter cards #} {% macro open_graph(config) %} {%- if page %} {%- set permalink = page.permalink %} {%- set title = title_macros::title(page_title=page.title, main_title=config.title) %} {%- set description = page.description %} {%- set type = "article" %} {%- if page.extra and page.extra.og_image %} {%- if page.colocated_path %} {%- set og_image = page.path ~ page.extra.og_image %} {%- else %} {%- set og_image = page.extra.og_image %} {% endif %} {%- elif config.extra.default_og_image %} {%- set og_image = config.extra.default_og_image %} {%- endif %} {%- elif section %} {%- set permalink = section.permalink %} {%- set title = title_macros::title(page_title=section.title, main_title=config.title) %} {%- set description = section.description | default(value=config.description) %} {%- set type = "website" %} {%- if section.extra and section.extra.og_image %} {%- set og_image = section.extra.og_image %} {%- elif config.extra.default_og_image %} {%- set og_image = config.extra.default_og_image %} {%- endif %} {%- else %} {# For 404 and taxonomy pages #} {%- if taxonomy %} {% if term %} {%- set permalink = term.permalink %} {%- set title = title_macros::title(page_title=term.name, main_title=config.title) %} {%- set description = "All posts tagged " ~ term.name %} {% else %} {%- set permalink = config.base_url ~ "/" ~ taxonomy.slug %} {%- set title = title_macros::title(page_title=taxonomy.name, main_title=config.title) %} {%- set description = "All " ~ taxonomy.name %} {% endif %} {%- else %} {%- set permalink = config.base_url %} {%- set title = title_macros::title(page_title="404", main_title=config.title) %} {%- set description = "Page not found" %} {%- endif %} {%- set type = "website" %} {%- if config.extra.default_og_image %} {%- set og_image = config.extra.default_og_image %} {%- endif %} {%- endif -%}{# #} {% if og_image %} {% endif %} {% endmacro open_graph %}